Miikline  PU Snow Suit 2 Zip Doeskin Flyverdragt.

Miikline PU Snow Suit 2 Zip Doeskin Flyverdragt.

Førpris 899,95 kr Tilbudspris540,00 kr

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  • Trustpilot ☆☆☆☆☆
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Mikk-line’s baby PU snowsuit is made for children in sizes from 80-98 cm. (approx. 1-3 years old), to have fun in puddles and on playgrounds. It is a great outerwear item for wet and cool weather, where you want something warmer than regular rainwear, but it is too warm for a traditional snowsuit.

The fabric of this practical snowsuit is made from 100% recycled PU, which keeps the child warm and dry. The suit is easy to get on/off, and the child will be fully covered and have free movement without any water or wind getting inside the suit. The snowsuit has a fluorine-free water- and dirt repellent, so when the outdoor fun is over and the suit is covered in mud, you can enjoy a super easy cleaning with just a wet cloth!

- Solid coloured with a simple unisex design and available in various colours.
- Elasticated suspenders allow you to take off the upper part if the child gets too warm.
- Two YKK zippers provide more room to get into the suit.
- Waterproof YKK zippers with stylish pull tabs and chin protection makes it easy and safe to open and close the snowsuit.
- Detachable hood with snap buttons that are easy to pull off in case the child gets stuck.
- Elasticated cuffs at hands and feet ensure that it stays firmly in place and keeps the child warm.
- Place the adjustable and hard-wearing silicone foot straps underneath the wellies/boots to prevent the pants from sliding up and keep the feet dry.
- Name tag with room for more than one name, so please let it be re-loved.

- Windproof and insulating with a thin fleece lining to keep the child warm and protected against the cold wind.
- Waterproof with a water column pressure at 8,000 mm, which can keep the child dry in heavy rain.
- Taped seams for further waterproofing.
- Durable and wear-resistant material.
- Easy-to-clean and dirt repellent, which prolongs its use before a wash is needed.
- The child is safer in the dark due to the 3M reflective details with a long-distance reflection. The reflective details are placed strategically for the child to be visible from every angle.

- Fabric made of 100% recycled PU material.
- It is certified by OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which guarantees that the product is free from harmful chemicals such as PFAS/fluorides.
- It is treated with BIONIC-FINISH® ECO coating, which is biodegradable and free of PFAS/fluorides.
- It is made with nickel-free buttons and zippers to avoid allergies.

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